Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hypertension Lorh...

Salam semua.... aq bingung....aq hypertension... nape la aq p masok UiTM ni, amek LAW plak tuh...pergh...
Aq rs aq dlm calon menghancurkan harapan mak bapak... sorry for those yg trasa.. Nk wat camner ekk..??
Aq mmg jenis x suka belajar kalau aq x der mood...
so, camne la aq nk cr mood tu...
Klu kat tmpt aq bleyh gak aq p air terjun or GH...
Kdg2 aq suka study time hujan... xtaw la nape... and, usually aq akan melukis... tu mmg tebiat..ehhh salah... mmg tabiat aq la..aq sgt giler art....x sabar nk pegang drawing block aq.....
nota..?? of corse aq wat tp x byk mcm kengkawan aq yg lain la.. depa study hard.. aq ni..??
hampeh u know... selain aq dh semangat nk balik, aq jugak semangat nk buat kuih raya la...
aq cuti 2weeks but, aq tyme aq balik kedah jer.. here come my FINAL EXAM... lalalalalala...
gmbar ni diambil around 2 am kalau tak silap... 1st day of Sept.... ni beru nk study LAW, belum GOV. and POLITICS.... aq mmg specky la.. cuma mls nk pkai coz aq MALAS...power..?? xder la kuat mana, almost reach 300 only meyh... later, aq igt nk wat CONTECT LENS but aq MALAS so, better dont... haha.. kpd semua kgkwan aq, dak prelaw, especially to PL1E. good luck for our test 2Sept ya.....buwekkkkk...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Haha.. come on, u know where am i...
in my room of course..haha..God hell, i'm really tnsion bout incoming events..

1. my test for mtc012, 2nd of Sept, Wed...

2. test csc134

3. have to submit my damn assignment(mtc016)

4. have to submit mt cd for csc, lab excel

5. essays for 120 and 130....

i'm really depress...arghhhhh....... hate law actually... there are so many Art. to remember....do i look like a LAWYER to u..??

anyway, while blogging, i also writing essay plus, taking pictures plus on9 ms and friendster plus counting for me..(erm,prelawrian..) to get home this 10sept... oh my gosh..!!! i only have 10days more fasting in UiTM.... hahahaha... so sad but happy and excited to get home... Ramadhan comes and gone... while Syawal is just around the corner...huahuahua...

salam...i really love this photo... time to bo back in time...mengenang kisah lame...wah, damn shit aq rindu sesangat kat depa...as u can see, their names are there.. nama aq pon ade sbb aq tukang edit... aq suka picnik... lately, picnik sgt susah utk dibuka, xleh buat pe la...azwa tu je yg sebaya aq, yg lain sumer lg berusia...haha...gambar di ambil di bakery the store off course.. hari2 terakhir...aq sgt rindu bakery...
p/s: kpd abg is, di mana dikau ketika kami bergambar...oooo...lupa plak, tgh cuci apron kot kat blakang sana...wahahahahaha....
aq tak taw pe yg best kejer kat sini... mmg tak dpt lari dr hari2 yg memenatkan babe...tp, rasa excited bila pk nk p keje,,, haha... offday pon aq dtg TS jugak... balik2 muka aq je hari2 kt situ.. kakak sepupu aq pun bising.. org lain cuti dok kat rumah, aq merayau... haha... tyme dpt 1st salary tu mmg sgt puas... bayangkanlah gaji titik peluh kita sendiri... sekarang ni kalau aq p sane, nth sape yg tinggal, kebanyakannya, muka2 baru la.. yg aq sendiri x kenal.. aq post gmbar ni agk telat sbb aq baru igt...aq harap sgt masa pause jap... bnyk memory yg aq nk simpan... kene beli external memory la nmpknya ni...hahaha

ROOMATES aq sahaja...

haha... yg ni gmbar aq tyme aq bru gak ar msok sini.. still freehair..camni la aq kalau g class dlu.. but now, aq dh bertudung...gmbar ni aq amek pas aq busan study... haha... yg kat ats is my collegue name and my room number... name2 yg ader tu penghuni bilik ni.. kak yani and kak eny senior..(dh panggil kakak daaah) depa dak DPA(dip. pentadbiran awam).. zati dgn aq satu course..Prelaw...kami ni mcm family, ader masalh pun slow talk with each other... kak eny agak giler study...zati dgn kak yani pon... aq ni kan brutal, mana ader study, so aq tkot kegiatan aq mengganggu dorang la...1st time kak yani masok bilik ni, dia pk aq dak art design and zati dak akaun... hahaha... kami dah pecah record sem ni... bebudak prelaw tak mcm dulu lg...kami tak berlagak aor menunjuk2...

giler2 teenager...

haa... ni la classmate aq... yg bertudung pink, ema... yg tgh2 amra and the blacky one is me...
actually, motif utama kitorg berkunjung ke tg. dawai is to bukak pose wif our lecturer bel130.. sementara menunggu waktu utk berbuka, kunjungan ke pantai sgt la best.. dgn mengadakan sesi fotografi, mmg nmpk giler2... kami bertiga la jugak yg menconteng pantai... ema ni bilik dye depan aq jer... slalu gak lepak kat bilik dye... baju kurung pon aq tibai dye punya... kami saling berkongsi... ape org ckap, sharing is loving..!! bateri aq sampai habis coz amek gmbar.... ahaha.... hisyam(my cr) smpai sound aq "dye ni x penat ke asyik bergmbar..".. aq mmg giler gmbar sbb aq taw, hdup ni x lme, jd dgn masa dn pluang yg ader, better kite just have fun k...

my BESTIE.. forever babe..

haha....indahnya tanjung dawai... dgn air laut yg hitam dan berkelodak, pantai yg penuh sampah srap...sgt indah..yg ni, pandai2 r cari port...ramai gak yg menconteng kat pasir ni..aq?? Akmal...?? nothing between us lor... aq kwn dye since stndard2.. kalau sekolah agama dr drjah5.. ntah la, kalau sekolah agme, dye dok blakang aq, slalu study sesame, main pijak kasot sampai ustzah soa aq dok tmpat lain... sbb kan dye, aq kene cuci kasot tiap2 mingu... argh... tak sangka kitorg satu class jugak tyme high scool.. terpisah tyme form4 coz dye amek akaun, tp tyme form5 tukar bio sbb x dapat bw akaun.. dye ni sgt pendiam.. tp skrg agk matured, bak kata dye "pengalaman mengajar aq".. macam aq pernah ckap before this, since aq masok u, bebudak yg tek pernah aq rpat pon aq jd rpat... contct slalu... and most of them are guys.. citer ni ader continue dye.. banyak cerita dlm satu cerita...

merindui ZAMAN MUDA dulu...

nama dye SALMA.. aq pggil SAMA jer...time ni tak silap aq tgh rest nk msok class.. teriber slera nk mmam ice cream membuak2.. klau tak silap tyme ni form4..(nmpk kemudaan tu..haha).. aq sgt nerd wif the spect..kitorg kene pindh blok coz class kitorg nk kene guna for PMR ker SPM..(tak ingat la..).. koperasi bwah ni jer.. so, aper yg tak sempat... kat sini, kitorg agk bebas sbb blaja pon dh xder mood, dlm class gegiler..aq x ingat ni before pose or pas pose.. rasanya pas pose..sbb, aq bw hp, so i think pas pose.. mmg tgh merdeka la...aq tgh lpak kat koridor(berani2 kan diri, mklumlah gayat..).. tetibe dye ni ajk aq wat sesi fotografi..pe lg, aq on jer.. ice cream pon nk habis dah ni.. aq mmg giler ice-cream.. kalau dpt, lju jer mmam...dye ni kat Matrik Perak.. jarang r dpt cntct dye, dye ni pndai gegiler... mcm ner la aq leh kwn dgn dye... 23Ogoss hari tu bday dye, so time tu jela aq dpat coll dye... pastu, loss balik...